Gua nak jadi Ustaz sekejap..
I first listened to Haddad Alwi's "Astaghfirullah" last few months when i was in the car with my family heading to Kuantan. The Nasyid really catched my attention as Haddad performs it well, touching my heart.It was very sentimental moment i've experienced. I reserve this particular song from my severe sickness towards contemporary Nasyid in malaysia.
Actually i don't give a shit about contemporary Nasyid anymore.I simply give up . People pretext themselve by claiming the nasyid is an 'alternative choice' replacing other music genre,and the nasyids protectively serve the right platform to justify 'Music In Islam'. Yeaahh you are so damn right Assholes!!
Tell me how you gonna give the verdict on strings instrument applied in most of contemporary Nasyids when most of Ulama' prohibiting such?
Tell me how the Nasyids benefit you when they collaborate with mainstream artists,performing the 'song with full of religious messages' in mega concert at Stadium Bukit Jalil?
Also tell me..What's on earth Nasyid is doing at Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM), immersing with those 'red carpet morons'?,
Dear Nasyeed-superstar-wanna be..
Who do you think you are?, Hollywood pablum?
You piss me off to no end.Put it that way..
You piss me off to no end.Put it that way..
You may want to educate me with thousands of reasons corroborating your judgements,condoning the mindset of 'feeling innocent' and 'soothing heart' when listening to the Nasyids.Yes.. my pleasure dear friends.Kindly put up front your nasyid intrepetation in context, answering the qeustions as stipulated above and explain how the scenarios could ever promote prosperity and improve the faith in our muslim community.Go ahead as you like. I really want to know....come on,bring it up dude!!
And to share with you, the funniest thing i've ever heard about contemporary Nasyid is - It has been regarded by many as the medium for Da'wah.WoW..another bullshit fact...i'm impressed!!
Let me tell you..
By stripping off all the technicalites,
Anything with religious message is called Da'wah.In broader perspective, anything with GOOD message is Da'wah.
It doesn't have to be Nasyid.Rock,Punk Rock Kapak, Jiwang,Traditional and Hip Hop also can serve you Da'wah if they bring good message.
So dont get confuse when the idea cross your conventional values.Likewise, do not jump when Nasyid brothers or Nasyid Sisters are caught doing something 'unpleasant', which is not in accordance with the code of conduct for Nasyidees. Dont curse them..because they are commoners just like you.
They are exposed to the wrongdoings and unnecessary sins.They are all humanbeings.
Jadi Jangla lu orang poyo poyo nak marah marah Akhil Hayy like crybabies..if you get what i mean..So Shut The Fuck Up!!
I'm not condemning the contemporary nasyids per say,i'm just sick with the environment that surrounds people mentality towards nasyids.Today's nasyid is totally dilluted and contaminated.They are mainstream and less value added for Ummah. They are there to make money and to be famous on stage.Today's Nasyid can no longer make you tremble and frighten.
They are nothing compared to NadaMurni and TheZikr.
Tell me who was not crying or get shaky when 'Selimut Putih' song played on the radio?,
How about Sepohon Kayu - i bet you can still get the deep feeling huh?
Then what is so great about contemporary Nasyid??
You may want to educate me with thousands of reasons corroborating your judgements,condoning the mindset of 'feeling innocent' and 'soothing heart' when listening to the Nasyids.Yes.. my pleasure dear friends.Kindly put up front your nasyid intrepetation in context, answering the qeustions as stipulated above and explain how the scenarios could ever promote prosperity and improve the faith in our muslim community.Go ahead as you like. I really want to know....come on,bring it up dude!!
And to share with you, the funniest thing i've ever heard about contemporary Nasyid is - It has been regarded by many as the medium for Da'wah.WoW..another bullshit fact...i'm impressed!!
Let me tell you..
By stripping off all the technicalites,
Anything with religious message is called Da'wah.In broader perspective, anything with GOOD message is Da'wah.
It doesn't have to be Nasyid.Rock,Punk Rock Kapak, Jiwang,Traditional and Hip Hop also can serve you Da'wah if they bring good message.
So dont get confuse when the idea cross your conventional values.Likewise, do not jump when Nasyid brothers or Nasyid Sisters are caught doing something 'unpleasant', which is not in accordance with the code of conduct for Nasyidees. Dont curse them..because they are commoners just like you.
They are exposed to the wrongdoings and unnecessary sins.They are all humanbeings.
Jadi Jangla lu orang poyo poyo nak marah marah Akhil Hayy like crybabies..if you get what i mean..So Shut The Fuck Up!!
I'm not condemning the contemporary nasyids per say,i'm just sick with the environment that surrounds people mentality towards nasyids.Today's nasyid is totally dilluted and contaminated.They are mainstream and less value added for Ummah. They are there to make money and to be famous on stage.Today's Nasyid can no longer make you tremble and frighten.
They are nothing compared to NadaMurni and TheZikr.
Tell me who was not crying or get shaky when 'Selimut Putih' song played on the radio?,
How about Sepohon Kayu - i bet you can still get the deep feeling huh?
Then what is so great about contemporary Nasyid??
p/s: Ini sesi Tazkirah..bukan apa apa.Gua dah cc kepada semua tokeh usrah didalam dan diluar negara.Sila ambil tindakan.
55 Nasihat Ikhlas:
agreed wif u..somtime they couldnt even think properly about wht they have done...smua tu alasan duniawi..dakwah tu bkn sekadar nasyid... just ask urself wht we wnt in our life..
gua rs serba salah nak komen dalam bahasa melayu weh...
I agree with you on both points.
(1)I agree that Akhil just another human being like us, others have to learn and understand. Normal human beings are always in grey area, there will be no exact white or exact black except for our prophet. Anyway we have to improve ourselves.
(2)I agree on your point on nasyeed. I remembered I was in arguement with one of our friend at our Uni on hiphop nasyeed.
You've made a good post for us to ponder.
If this at FB, I want to click 'like'.
ya syeikh...
don't get so upset la...k.
everything now that is associated with islam n da'wah is so kabur... even the jus to' guru n whatsoever is being ridiculed as ikut sunnah nabi...
yes.. whatever the say
Dude, I totally agree with u!! I think in Malaysia, only Raihan nasyiding with the right and proper intentions..the others semua posers...especially this one group (apatah nama) yg sing about love, sebelum ijabkabul kau mencitaiku bla bla..jiwang mat dakwah
huh such a serious topic huh?
no comment at all..
the zikr and nada murni still the best....
ala kalau dah dunia hiburan, namanya entertainer, mmg la bleh tergelincir jugak, unless niat mmg pure la dgn nama Allah, ko mau berdakwah dgn nasyid. gua tgk akil hayy rebonding rambut pun gua da rasa ada geli2 sikit.... damn.
rilek2 r bro,
dont b so angry...
p/s:remember Raihan group with their soNg Alhamdulillah....
gua serius xphm apa lu story ni, nnt gua tanya a.samad said, dia setuju ke tak dgn penulisan lu ni. kalo dia turun demo HAPUSKAN BLOG SEMBANG KENCANG, gua forsure turun berdemo sama.
merujuk pd nasyid.
gua dulu time sekolah ada kwn yg minat gile kat nasyid ni.
time form 2, geng2 dia masuk pertandingan nasyid peringkat sekolah, ada gimik baik punye, sume anggota group dia yang bernama "mas u di" tu memakai kaca mata. baik punye gimik. tapi kalah. mungkin lagu xsedap atau gimik nak menyuntik pop dlm bernasyid tidak menjadi.
time form5, dorang masuk lagi, kali ni pakai blazer pulok. ala2 korporat pulak. kalah jugak. kalah kat geng2 gua yang lahanat plak tu.
so, kesimpulan, ada gak org bernasyid utk glamer. dari sekolah lagi da tunjuk2 ciri2 tu. tak heranlah vokalis saujana, bila da tua, jadi bapok.
amcm? mkn dlm x?
speaking london.
gua dari dulu tak suka nasyid...bukan apa.. tak boleh nak describe cmenana...
lagu nak nyanyi lagu nasyid ada instrument tertentu jer yang boleh digunapakai...
gua suke lagu raihan ..
dan lagu..
'tanpa cintamu'
merujuk kepada cinta Allah..
Memang nangis woo layan lagu tuh..
kalau x silap ada kolaborasi dengan jayjay..
for me is not who was singing the song..
but how you interpreting the content of song..
because all of singer is yess..'humanbeing' just like us..there are not perfect at all..
mcam raihan slalu nyanyi tu...
"berhibur tiada salahnya kerana hiburan itu indah..hanya pabila salah memilihnya membuat ia jadi bersalah."
-gua pon xtau, tetibe ase nak quote tp bek lu denga je la nasyid2 dulu tu. saujana, raihan, sami yusuf lg mantappp...
-ape2 pon, gua stuju dgn noor afzan..
is not who was singing the song..
but how you interpreting the content of song..
because all of singer is yess..'humanbeing' just like us..there are not perfect at all..-
gua tmbh sket "kalo tgk appreance, bek lu burn jek sume lagu bese yg bkn nasyid..sbb sume artis lagu2 bese lg hampehhh.....dan mmg sangt hampehhhh...."
"so, kesimpulan, ada gak org bernasyid utk glamer. dari sekolah lagi da tunjuk2 ciri2 tu. tak heranlah vokalis saujana, bila da tua, jadi bapok."
alamak , bab yg ni sedih gila!
sangat suka sama saujana.
dan agk trkjut time my sis bg taw dat he already a woman or some sort.
izit bcoz of really lookin 4 glamour?
oh btw , td tngok al-hidayah
crita bout mende alah ni la.
adew dis 1 guy ckp dat dorg brnasyid is not 4 glamour or ape2 yg incik ckp di atas.
heh butul ka?
one more thing , wat da crap si RABBANI sntiasa mnang anugerah?
ugh , xske gilaaaaaa
gua tengah tunggu Nasyid Indie!
wa x stuju.
(walaupun wa x bace)
terbaik la lu..
mmg patut pon post pasal benda nih.
td aku masuk blog eccentric's soliloquy. kat komen, aku nmpak gmbar yg mcm aku knal jer. rupa2nyer gmbar anak kau. mknanye kau la yg antar komen kat dia. ermm.. aku rs kn, kau xpayah la layan doctor tu. buang ms jer.. xpcaya? kau tnggu n lihat la nnti..
baik gua layan rage
aku suka lagu di pondok kecil..
gila tangkap menangis syialll
dia pun manusia jugak...pasal laa...nak marah2 pun tak guna...kan?
no kumen lahhh... ngeh ngeh ngeh
Kata guruku.. Kalau suatu perkara tu mengingatkan ALLAH dan akhirat.. Boleh dengar sbab sy salah seorang peminat nasyid.. Terutama raihan.. dan lain2 pun minat jugak.. Xkisah.. Jnji ianya mengingatkan ALLAH SANG Pencipta.. Moga2 yg baik itu ALLAH redha dan yg xbaik itu ALLAH ampuni dan bimbing kita ke jalan yg DIA redha~
yeah! bersunggoh2...
i'm sorry coz my inglih is not as good as u, so i reply in malay jela..
nasyid zmn skrg ntah pape lagunyer... pelik gak ak dgr... nk layan pon xkena... motif mcm cinta, menda2 y melemahkan semangat perjuangan... ntah paper tol!!!
ak sokong gak cam raihan, diwani, dll nasyid y lame2... tp prasan x 1 lagu nasyid raihan-al-hijrah, cube prati bait2 lirik dia... mcm ader x kna... Rasulullah menemani S. Abu Bakar ke, S. Abu Bakar teman Rasulullah?? confiuus..
dulu masa zaman dak2 hingusan menengah rendah,bler dengar lgu2 jiwang U***,pergh......???
kenapalah aku boley suke lagu2 jiwang dorank nih dulu??Sungguh amat menyesal..Sib bek cepat sedar..
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